Access, Authorization & Permissions

Django-Conduit provides several ‘out of the box’ ways to control access to your resources.


See the Filtering & Ordering` guide to limit retrievable objected based on static values.

Allowed Methods

One quick way to prevent create or update access to a resource is to limit the allowed http methods:

class FooResource(ModelResource):
        class Meta(ModelResource.Meta):
                model = Foo
                allowed_methods = ['get']

The above example will prevent sending put, post, or delete requests to the Foo Resource. Currently only ‘get’, ‘put’, ‘post’, and ‘delete’ are valid values.

Authorization Hooks

For granular permissions on individual objects, Django-Conduit provides a list of ready made hooks for you to implement your permission checks. The hook methods follow a naming pattern of auth_[method]_[list/detail]. The method being the http method, and list/detail whether it is an action on a list url (api/v1/foo) or a detail url (api/v1/foo/1)

It is entirely up to you how you want to handle permissions, but here are a couple suggestions.

  1. Filter objects a user can retrieve based on ownership. Ownership is determined by the user specified in a owner field on the model:

    @match(match=['get', 'list'])
    def auth_get_list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        objs = kwargs['objs']
        objs = objs.filter(owner=request.user)
        return (request, args, kwargs)
  2. Disable update access if a user does not own an object:

    @match(match=['put', 'detail'])
    def auth_put_detail(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # single obj is still found in 'objs' kwarg
        obj = kwargs['objs'][0]
        if request.user != obj.owner:
                # HttpInterrupt will immediately end processing
                # the request. Get it by:
                # from conduit.exceptions import HttpInterrupt
            response = HttpResponse('', status=403)
            raise HttpInterrupt(response)
        return (request, args, kwargs)


It is important that you include the @match wrapper so that the check is only executed on the right requests. More about Method Subscriptions

Here is a full list of the authorization hook methods:


Some of these already have checks, such as auth_put_list, which will automatically raise an HttpInterrupt. This is because sending a PUT to a list endpoint is not a valid request.